Sunday, November 21, 2010

Guilty men: When the supporters of the euro to apologize?

Heseltine, Blair and Clarke launch their campaign to scrap the poundHeseltine, Blair and Clarke launch their campaign to scrap the pound

Would you trust a economic forecaster who had recently said?

The euro, despite the silly assumption by many commentators that it needs to be judged according to the external level with the dollar, has already large internal stability in the euro

Or this?

The euro has done more to maintain budgetary discipline in the rest of Europe than any number of incentives of the IMF and the OECD. If we remain outside the euro area, we'll just continue to disappear in a position of relative poverty and inefficiency in comparison with the more prosperous European neighbours.

The author of these lines is alarming, Nick Clegg, now our Deputy Prime Minister.

Even more hilarious wrong is this piece by the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Chris Huhne.Each line is rich in comedic irony, but perhaps the best is this:

If we get rid of sterling and the euro, we will also get rid of sterling crises and Sterling overvalued.This gives us a real control over our economic environment. Our manufacturers, farmers and other trade companies would be able to count on the exchange rate against our key continental trading forever remain unchanged.

Not that I want to catch up on Lib Dems.Michael Heseltine thought it was "barking mad" not connecting to the beginning. Peter Mandelson governed that "the price we lost investments pay and employment would be incalculable". Ken Clarke agreed, saying "of Britain's economy would be damaged if we stayed too long". five minutes at Google will show similar feelings of Tony Blair, Chris Patten, Gordon Brown, Vince cable, Peter Hain and the rest.

In a wonderful blog post says Peter Oborne that he contacted the main proponents of the Monetary Union – Hezza, Brittan, Mandie, Kinnock, Kennedy-to ask if their views had changed. no back his call.

I'm not holding out for a retraction (although Danny Alexander deserves credit for one of the few Lib Dems have publicly admitted that he got it wrong) but it would be nice if the BBC trotting these characters stopped out like they are disinterested experts, during the presentation of those of us who are against the euro as a right-wing 'gekken. we do not want an apology, those of us who call the correct: we just want to listen to next time.

View the original article here

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